Although it is still drab and grey outside, flowers are in full bloom indoors in Longwood's Conservatory. What an inspiring place! Right now it is their "Orchid Extravaganza." The variety of colors, shapes, and sizes of orchids is astonishing. It has been delightful to experience that (on weekdays--too crowded for my taste on weekends) and to return to work refreshed.
The crochet book in the works for Stackpole Books is moving along. I made two trips to Harrisburg, PA to work with photographer Daniel Shanken on the model and studio shots. Together with Alan Wycheck's technique photos, I think the pictures in the book will be stunning!
Daniel at work
A Leisure Arts leaflet is ready for production as soon as one of the major craft stores gives the okay. I hope it's soon because I really enjoyed designing the projects for the book's theme, and I am eager to see them in print. I hope to do a fun promotion with Leisure Arts for National Craft Month in March. I'll share the details as soon as I have them.
Next week I return to Berne, IN to film two crochet classes for Annie's. I enjoyed doing "Learn to Crochet Ripples" (and the pull-out class, "Go-To Ripple Tote") for them two years ago. The hardest part for me isn't the patterns or the scripts, it's the wardrobe! There are very specific requirements for what you can and cannot wear on camera. No black, no white. Red isn't so great either. No stripes or bold patterns, no texture that could "vibrate" on screen. Have to choose something seasonless. Nothing that is or looks handmade because then the students could get too interested in that and start asking for the pattern. Can't be too casual or too formal. Long sleeves are okay but they may not be pushed up. Fabric must be thick enough for the microphone to stay clipped on, and it can't make any noise. Have to wear a unique outfit for each class. I ended up with a bright blue long-sleeved crew under a watercolor sweater for one class, and a lilac top under a dark purple sweater for the other. Fortunately, I will be seated at a table so the pants don't matter!
Last time the makeup artist was snowed out so I did my own makeup, but this time the hair and makeup person should be there to work her magic. I usually wear little or no makeup, but if I tried that on camera I'd probably look tired and washed out. I'm happy to put myself in the care of a professional. Look for some Instagram and FB pictures from the makeup chair next week!
More videos will be on tap after that, but those will be done in my own studio for my YouTube channel. Subscribers keep signing up and they deserve some new content! If you have any requests for techniques to cover, please let me know.
Plymouth Yarn Company has published several of my designs in the past. I love working with them! I noticed that one of the patterns I wrote for them is no longer available because the yarn has been discontinued. They were generous enough to turn back the rights to me and allow me to publish it with a different yarn. The result is the "Scarf de Triomphe Paris," in luscious SpaceCaded Maia.
I'm expecting a "designer box" of samples to arrive from Plymouth soon, too. Can't wait to see their new products!
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the Eagles' Super Bowl win. What a game! We kept waiting for them to lose in spectacular fashion like they have so many times in the past, and it wasn't until the clock ran out that we could exhale and believe what had happened. That "Philly Special" will put a smile on people's faces for years. It's amazing how the mood in the city and region has been lifted by the win. I made a scarf before the game, a version of the Tunisian Check Scarf in Eagles colors:
E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!
I hope have been working on some interesting projects and are looking forward to spring! Feel free to share pictures on my Sharon Silverman Crochet Facebook page.